Emotional Stress, Feature


When stress escalates, it tends to turn up the volume on worry and fear. Once that cycle has begun, it's important to stop the spiral and take control of our emotions.

Our feelings are nothing to fear! In fact, they make the most trouble when we decide we don't have the time or don't feel safe in dealing with them, so we try to stuff our emotions deeper inside to be dealt with later.... Until they spark again, rekindled by some other trigger to really unleash some uncomfortable and even dangerous feelings, making us feel like we've lost control.

Fortunately we have a choice! We can become more conscious of our emotions and even decide how we would like to shift them, once they've been acknowledged. Awareness and intention are powerful tools in developing emotional intelligence, which not only benefits us, but everyone else in our lives.

In this video I share some flower essence remedies that are invaluable for relieving the heavier emotions of fear, worry, anxiety, and the incessant mental chatter that tends to ride along with those feelings. The flowers are powerful "little helpers", as Bach called them, and can bring our emotions back into balance so we feel more light, more flow, and greater ease.

Have you tried Bach flowers, or other flower essence remedies? Let me know in the comments! Or if you learned about a new one in this video, I'd love to hear which one you'd like to try!

Would you like to receive your own guide to working with Bach Flowers?

I've created a resource that includes an overview of what flower essences are and how to use them, along with a handy reference to find remedies that support specific emotions of stress. Just enter your info below, and you'll be taken to your download! It will subscribe you to the 3x Less Stress email digest, which will bring you only helpful information about living with less stress - and of course you can subscribe anytime.

About the author 


Susi Vine is a Holisitc Health Practitioner, Flower Essence Practitioner, massage therapist, and Reiki master. Seeing how modern lifestyles can lead to chronic health issues, she was moved to begin empowering clients to live healthier lives with less emotional, physical and environmental stress.

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