

When is the last time you received a massage?  How did it make you feel?  As a Massage Therapist, I see people arrive in all conditions, and leave feeling relaxed, restored, and more in touch with their emotions and physical body.  All within one hour! 

As a Stress Coach, I view massage as the gateway to building a self care practice that actually serves them, fits their lifestyle and inspires them to engage with self care more consistently. 

In this episode we explore

  • Massage as a “gateway drug” to self care 
  • The power of checking in with your Self 
  • Who benefits from massage
  • Making the most of your bodywork session
  • Vetting a massage therapist 
  • Asking for what you want
  • Continuing the Self Care benefits 

Leave a comment below or join the conversation in the Live with Less Stress facebook group.

About the author 


Susi Vine is a Holisitc Health Practitioner, Flower Essence Practitioner, massage therapist, and Reiki master. Seeing how modern lifestyles can lead to chronic health issues, she was moved to begin empowering clients to live healthier lives with less emotional, physical and environmental stress.

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