Ready to assess the sources of your stress?

Knowledge is power.

Once you understand where stress is sneaking in, you can choose whether or not you want to do something about it!

Use this assessment to get a snapshot of how stress may be affecting you on the physical, emotional and environmental levels.  

Until I find a digital tool that I like, we keep it old school on this one - print it up or edit the pdf by highlighting the rating that best fits your current situation. Then visually find the average score for each area.

I'd love to know your results!  Understanding where people tend to fall in the assessment helps me know which tools to create and share to provide the best support!

Email screenshots or images to

*You will be added to the 3x Less Stress email list, but you can unsubscribe any time.  I respect your privacy and your information will never be shared without your permission!  I also know your inbox is already full, and won't share anything but useful information to help you live with less stress + more flow.
