

We’ve all heard that “you are what you eat”, but what if your food choices meant even more than that?  What if you could experience healing simply by the process of growing your own healthy herbs, vegetables and fruit? That’s exactly the experience that Pat Galo had as she recovered from severe stress and burnout as a mother of 3.

With over 29 years of experience in the present health care system, nurse Pat’s goal is to empower people to improve their life, by having access to fresh nutrient-dense food at their fingertips, no matter their level of experience or home size.  

In this episode we discuss 

  • Access to healthy food
  • Raising a healthy family 
  • How gardens bring generations together 
  • Growing your confidence as you expand your garden 
  • Beating stress by gardening 
  • How foods can restore health 
  • Creative container gardening for small spaces 
  • Replacing supplements with home grown plants & herbs

Receive Pat’s free guide for beginning gardeners, “The 5 S’s of Growing Food” from her website: GrowHealth4U.com

Follow Pat on Instagram @growhealth4u   

Leave a comment below or join the conversation in the Live with Less Stress facebook group. 

About the author 


Susi Vine is a Holisitc Health Practitioner, Flower Essence Practitioner, massage therapist, and Reiki master. Seeing how modern lifestyles can lead to chronic health issues, she was moved to begin empowering clients to live healthier lives with less emotional, physical and environmental stress.

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