

After spending the last few years enjoying scaled-back holiday events, coming back to a table full of different personalities and viewpoints can feel overwhelming.  Here are a few tips that may help you prepare for festivities so you can maintain your festive spirit and feel less friction with your beloved family. 

In this episode we explore 

  • How they know how to push your buttons 
  • Ways to restore perspective after feeling triggered 
  • Courtesy versus boundaries, and finding the sweet spot 
  • Taking responsibility for your own emotional needs 
  • Discussing what will or won’t be discussed 
  • Confirmation bias and how it can divide 
  • Agreeing to disagree, or Right versus Happy 
  • The real meaning of family gatherings 

This episode is sponsored by Magic Mind, a superfood supplement that boosts energy and focus that’s created from clean ingredients that nourish your body and mind.  Learn more at https://magicmind.co/happified, and use coupon code: happified20 to save 20% on your order (40% within the first 10 days of this podcast release!)

A note: These perspectives and suggestions are based on my own experience and personal character, and may not be the most highly evolved guidelines for creating a peaceful family gathering, but they’re what have worked for me and may help you sail through the season with a little less friction at the table.  

Your own personal experience and viewpoints are welcome, please share in the comments below or join the conversation in the Live with Less Stress facebook group.

Exploring others’ perspectives is always helpful in recognizing what feels aligned and what doesn’t, and ultimately that inner compass is your most important guide! 

Wishing you a healthy, happy, and peaceful holiday season.

About the author 


Susi Vine is a Holisitc Health Practitioner, Flower Essence Practitioner, massage therapist, and Reiki master. Seeing how modern lifestyles can lead to chronic health issues, she was moved to begin empowering clients to live healthier lives with less emotional, physical and environmental stress.

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