Nisreen is a Certified Hypnotist and Reiki Master/Teacher who is passionate about helping people understand the body’s extraordinary ability to heal itself. She has a dream to see a Reiki Practitioner in every household so that everyone can help themselves and their loved ones feel balanced and well.
In this episode we discuss:
- How hypnosis can help us resolve stress & return to balance
- Reasons that people may struggle with weight management (it’s not simply about calories!)
- Why changing habits isn’t merely a matter of will power
- Using Reiki yourself to relieve stress and improve sleep
- Patterns of worry and how to change them
- Improving results by collaborating with other practitioners and modalities
- Our composition of energy and matter, and how blocks can occur
- The energetic connection between all beings
- How Reiki acts as an “antenna” to act as a conduit of healing energy
- Why self care is important, so that you can give more to the people you love
- The far reaching impact of raising your vibration and living your most fulfilled life
Connect with Nisreen through her website to learn about upcoming online classes and meditations, or to book a free consultation for 30 minutes to talk to her about any of the services she offers.
Susi Vine: Welcome back. I am so happy to have you with us today for what I know is going to be a marvelous conversation with my guest Nisreen, mamma. Nisreen is a CIT, a certified hypnotist with specialized training and past life regression and advanced SP hypnosis through which connection to the superconscious is established for better and faster results.
And Israel is also a Reiki master teacher with a dream to see a Reiki practitioner in every household so that everyone can help themselves and their loved ones. Being a student of psychology, Nisreen has always been intrigued by the working of the subconscious mind, which led her to train as a hypnotist hypnosis, led her to meditations, which furthered her spiritual.
When her experience with energy healing helped her, where others had not her logical mind sought the answer is to understand how energy affects our body and can facilitate healing. When the science clicked, she trained to become a Reiki master teacher. Israel started her own business, holistic life solutions in 2012, to share these holistic wellness techniques, which give back our bodies, the ability to heal them.
And since then has also shared her message as a writer and speaker online and on television. And we will get into further in the conversation, how you can connect with Nisreen , if you’d like to learn more explore and become that healer in every home, that is her vision and a certainly as an inspiring picture for me as well.
And this read. I’m so happy to have you with me today. Thanks for joining me.
Nisreen Mama Foda: Thank you. I think I am feeling honored to be here. Well, we have had
Susi Vine: the good luck to be connected and the opportunity to get to know each other a little bit better over this last year. Thanks to the wonders of zoom and technology.
Since you are in Eastern Canada, in Ontario, and I am in Southern California, and yet we get to transcend the miles. So I’m really grateful to bring this conversation to the program because I am also. A Reiki master practitioner. I’m not a teacher. I had kind of an abridged level three program and the study and the experience of that has really opened up my perspective and understanding in ways and has continued to evolve over time.
And so I love to bring this conversation to our audience because not everyone is acquainted with Reiki or even with. Modalities or the scope of energy healing. And so since from your experience coming from a corporate career and then making a change in direction and starting this as your business and primary focus, I’d love to hear a little bit more about it, how it unfolded for you.
Nisreen Mama Foda: Wow. That is a whole lot, but the thing we had some time. Yeah. But I was always interested in the subconscious mind and actually wanted to become a psychologist. But path led me in different ways. And I ended up working in accounting, which is like, I don’t even have any degree in accounting. I don’t know how I landed up there, but anyways, I was in the corporate world doing that.
And while I was in that. I had my passion. I’ll you know, learning about the subconscious mind and et cetera. So I started studying hypnosis and doing a whole course while I was still doing my nine to five job. I don’t even know if I had to do it again. How would I do it? Cause it was like, Crash.
I’m working Monday to Thursday. And then Friday, Saturday, Sunday, I had my classes full days for hypnosis. And that was like over a period of two, three months. It was like condensed and lo and behold, I was a hypnotist. And then of course I kept adding tools to my tool box learned, trained with past life and other stuff.
So yeah, that was there. And then While I was doing all that. I was also still at corporate and I really enjoyed working with the mind, the meditation. And I know in our corporate setting, there were sometimes certain ladies, mostly in our department or more ladies. So some of them were going through menopause and stuff and I would like, they would be fretting and fuming.
Hot flashes. And I would go and just help them with a bit of visualization techniques. And they would feel much calmer and not having those feeling a cool breeze where there was none, but you know, it, it helped them. So I said, Hmm, that is good. This is fun. You know, so I started actually working with the HR and running a meditation group once a week for the whole company in the auditorium.
It was a huge company. So. And the sales department, some men from sales department actually approached me later and said they actually scheduled their difficult sales calls right after the meditation because they got better results. So, because they weren’t as worked up, you know, when they were on the calls, I said, that’s a Wednesday.
So once it, all that was going on we were, I was working with a newspaper agency, a newspaper company, which is covers the whole of Ontario and As happens newspaper as was like, you know, it’s going, everything’s going digital. So nobody is really holding the paper and that industry was not doing that well.
And they were flipping stuff too, you know, cost cutting, et cetera, et cetera at that time. And they were offering packages to people who are close to retirement age. And I had a passion for wanting to. Start my own business because I realized that my nine to five only friends and family knew what I was doing.
There wasn’t much opportunity to network and let the word out because I didn’t have that much time. Right. And working nine to five only evenings are available and my kids were younger. So I just didn’t have enough time to do both. And I really wanted to do this because it was close to my house. So I looked at this and I said, I want that package because that means a few months of money’s still coming in while I set up my business.
Right. But how do I get that package? Cause I was nowhere close to a retirement age, so that wasn’t valid for me. It would be for others. Right. So I actually went to my boss and asked him. Like, if that was a possibility. And the first thing she told me is go back to your desk and I’ll pretend you never said this to me because like, she, she like, I, I really valued her and she valued me too.
And she just like, you know I was not entitled to that package. Right. So, and I was scared that if I tell her, then I am kind of. Telling her that I don’t want to be here. Right. But anyway, it worked out and eventually she said, I will put your case forward and we’ll see what happens, but don’t tell anyone anything yet.
I said fine. And they actually accepted it eventually. And they gave me the package, which started me on my own journey of starting a holistic life. So. And you know, just doing what I love doing. So this is no longer work for me. It is fun. I really enjoy my work because I see the transformation in people.
And that gives me the high, who the heck needs drugs.
I, it just like, you know, even one person I helps like say in a whole week that whole weekend. Well, that used to be back then when I, my clients were just, you know, by word of mouth. So it was maybe one client a week or one client in two weeks. Right. It wasn’t that often then, but it helped me so much. And I’ve made me feel that this is what I want to do.
This is what it makes me feel that I am giving back something and of value to the other person. Right. And it’s changing their lives. I mean, it’s, it’s just an awesome feeling. You cannot describe in words. Especially
Susi Vine: when you have that opportunity to work with people over time and really see transformation and shifts begin to happen as they unfold
Nisreen Mama Foda: and open, like when they come specially for hypnosis, when they come and they have that first session.
Because they feel, sometimes those people will come with stress. They come in, the shoulders are stupid. They are feeling down after a session when they leave, they don’t even notice the difference. But when I look at them, leaving the shoulders are back up. They have a smile on their face. They feel and look relaxed.
Right. And I say like, like if one session can do this, when they’re taking the whole program, imagine the difference that’s going. Yes, truly. And it just, it’s a very good feeling.
Susi Vine: And so what do your your clients who come to you for that kind of support for hypnosis specifically? What kind of support are they seeking or issues do they tend to have that they hope that you can help them resolve.
Nisreen Mama Foda: Okay. There are like the wide range, right? A lot of people come for the basic stuff. Like weight management, mostly it is reduction, but therapy, an odd person who actually wants to gain weight. But so it’s weight management. Some are there for confidence, building a lot of male clients that come in as when they are having transitioning between jobs.
And then they suddenly feel, they lack confidence, which they always had before. So for those kinds of things for smoking cessation, a lot of times it’s just plain binge-eating because some people that have come, they are really good at bait management. They are very good in their exercises. They have a very good body, right.
They sometimes binge eats so much that they kind of feel bad about themselves. Then some come for those kinds of things. Some come basically because they keep, they want to do an exercise regimen, but they fall off the bandwagon all the time. Self-sabotaging so they want to stop that self-sabotage they come for that.
And some come for like say today’s day and world. We all have this. We are on video. We are on zoom calls as well as you have to, like when you’re running your business, you’re supposed to do with your lives and stuff like that. And some people have a major, major inhibition towards that and they come for that, remove that inhibition and not be so self judgmental and critique how they look on the camera and those kinds of things.
Cause I know I had. I definitely had that when I started and I used my own techniques on myself to get over it. And that’s how I help others too. So this a wide range of stuff, some things are really small. Some things are waiting for people who come for weight management, like especially weight reduction.
When you start working on that, you just would feel I can get them to stop eating that, but it’s not as simple as that. The reasons why. Before, why they have put on weight sometimes are way deeper. And there’s lots of other things that needs to be resolved than just getting them to, you know, not eat the desserts and stuff.
It’s not as simple as that. So it does sometimes require way more than.
Susi Vine: And I think that’s a really powerful point. First of all, I really appreciate that you’re recognizing, and that people are seeking solutions for the struggles that we have feeling comfortable in. In their bodies in the way we present ourselves professionally, especially now that we are in this zoom culture that you know, even, even without restrictions, so many people are embracing the work from home model that it will.
And for accessibility for people with limited capabilities and mobility, it’s a game changer for them as well. So zoom is here to stay whether we want
Nisreen Mama Foda: it. I love zoom. I love technology sometimes. Yes, you have to fight it. But Hey, it has been a plus for us and look at that without, without that, I wouldn’t be able to reach so many people.
Susi Vine: Right, right. Just a few years ago. Could this even have been something that you imagined that she would be extending your reach and ability to support people to this level? I find it very exciting too. So
Nisreen Mama Foda: it’s helping me get closer and closer to my dream.
Susi Vine: Yes. Yes. And so I want to go back to, cause we could go to any number of different directions.
So before we go too far, a field to your point that sometimes we think we understand a problem. We oversimplify something like. The way that we eat and our habits with food and think all I need to do is eat less. And so I appreciate that you’re highlighting that there are many reasons why our bodies might carry weight in ways that are not what we think are ideal or what might be that healthy relationship with food, or just with health in general.
And so I appreciate that through your work, it feels like you’re able to kind of help people explore different. Influences or reasons foundations that then they can continue and move on and, and clear those as well. So in those cases, obviously having a healthier relationship with food would take some time to move through.
But in general, with those clients, do you find yourself working over a longer period of time and going in different? Yeah,
Nisreen Mama Foda: I do. I do because sometimes let’s say to give an example of a weight reduction only. People come and they know the self-sabotage themselves and they start eating the wrong stuff.
But why do they self-sabotage themselves? Why is it that their subconscious makes them, you know, do that? You know, there is a reason cause subconscious is very protective of us, but the way it sees protection, sometimes maybe worked up to what you desire because it could be something stemming from your childhood or from your younger days.
And it’s just protecting you from that is like say every time you were not feeling good if someone like your mother or anybody in the family was giving you a box of chocolates or something to help pacify you, then you, your subconscious related that to that a box of chocolate makes me feel good, makes me feel that I am wanted and cared for.
Right. So they associated with that. And because of that association, They, the subconscious is all the time now telling you no, no, you have to eat these things because that’s what makes you feel good and feeling good from inside is a positive. So you have to feel good. So therefore you must eat that, right?
So not when you need to first disassociated, this associate the feeling good with the chocolate. Right. You have to make them realize you don’t need the chocolates to feel good. What else can you feel? Good. How else can you feel good? So then you have to change that process first, before you can get them to stop eating chocolate.
Otherwise they will be in the worst doodoo because now they will stop eating chocolate and they will not seem good. And they will probably go to something. Right.
Susi Vine: Right. And I love that you’re pointing out here too, in so many aspects. As I see people trying to shift their habits, we get into a very adversarial kind of approach.
I have to change this. And you mentioned, and, and we’re recording this in January. You know, it is the time of. Committing to new exercise routines and that sort of thing. And we have trouble maintaining those commitments and then we tend to be hard on ourselves or lose confidence in our ability to create change and that sort of thing.
And so I love that. I’m hearing you say those, those benefits of curiosity and exploring, looking in things that might not seem to be connected, exploring those subconscious reactions are triggers to you. Yeah. To make it easier rather than feeling like it’s a matter of willpower.
Nisreen Mama Foda: No, if it was, yeah, no, it’s not just the willpower.
It is much more than that. And it is sometimes multiple things that are, that are there together and you have to fix each one off. To get to where you want to go, because some of the way to duction issues can also come from stem from some unwanted attention that you had when you were younger and your subconscious belt.
Well, if you didn’t look as attractive, then you would be safe, right? So it just makes you put on weight so that you stay safe. That’s how some subconscious things, because it’s trying to protect. But now you don’t need that protection. You can take care of yourself, you know, better. Right. So it’s just, we can do better.
It’s just each one’s story is different. So when you go into the deeper into the story, you realize that what are the other underlining issues that kind of contribute to the main issue that they came for. And depending on that, that sometimes it takes to answer your previous question three sessions, which is usually the minimum, but it can take two, six to nine sessions depending on how many other things are contributing.
Susi Vine: Beautiful. And that’s really the benefit to working with someone who has your kind of experience and can adapt to work over distance. Now we can do this sort of work online. And so it’s, yeah, it’s easier to help that expand
Nisreen Mama Foda: to fit whatever much easier a lot of people think you can’t do the hypnosis online that you can.
I have been doing. And it has worked for you to fully, all you need to make sure is for that length of time, nobody disturbs you, or you don’t have any loud noises at your end because I can’t control that setting somewhere else. But apart from that, it is doable.
Susi Vine: Wonderful. And you also shared as we were connecting earlier, you know, that people find support.
And obviously I love to find solutions or new perspectives in addressing stress and we know anxiety. Something that more and more people are having issues with, especially over these last few years, as things have changed so radically. And so how do you in your work in hypnosis has, and as well as Reiki, we haven’t even started to get into that yet.
How do you see these modalities support people that are having issues with stress and even anxiety?
Nisreen Mama Foda: Well, for starters for hypnosis half an hour in hypnosis is equal to four hours of deep sleep. So that in itself, you can’t substitute one for the other, unfortunately, but, but that tells you how much relaxation that.
Mind gets when you are in a hypnosis, right? So just by doing that, you get that relaxation because all the time you’re high strong. And say, for instance, if you were going off to sleep, thinking about something that was worrying you or bothering you now, that is going to bother you all through the night, while you’re asleep.
It’s working on your mind because that’s the last thing you talk about. Right. So if instead you were using hypnosis or some kind of meditation that was giving positive things to your brain to think about when you went off to sleep. Now the whole night, what’s going to work on it, the positive relaxation stuff, which your body and your brain needs.
You’re giving your body that relaxation by lying down. What are you giving your brain? Nothing. And it’s all the time working 24 7, whether you’re awake or asleep, it needs a break. And if you don’t give it a break, what’s going to happen more stress, more anxiety, right. So why not give it a break, get into a practice of meditation or maybe get into, have someone maybe set up a periodical hypnosis, maybe just for deep relaxation, but that can help you with your stress with your anxiety because you’ll get better control over it.
Your mind will be fresher for that. And you can think things through properly instead of just being. Highly strong and warrant and coming to Reiki, same thing Reiki and itself. When you start practicing Reiki and doing Reiki, it shifts your energy and starts relaxing you. And if you’re learning Reiki, one of the principles of Reiki that you kind of torture yourself every day, which I do right, is like, just for today, I will not work.
One of them, is that right? So when you repeat that to yourself, even if something happens, you say just today, I’m not going to worry. And you think about that and you stop yourself, right. And that helps you with your stress, helps you with your anxiety. Big time. You don’t even realize that this short sentence can help you so much.
Susi Vine: So true. So true. Absolutely. It’s a very powerful, very powerful.
Nisreen Mama Foda: It is so simple. Yes.
Susi Vine: No I’m saving just for today, if I have to tomorrow.
Nisreen Mama Foda: And if you keep repeating it every day, doesn’t sound overwhelming. Right? Can you feel it? Do it, but even if you start worrying the bed, you still have that self-check automatically coming in.
Right. So, yeah. I mean, I’m not saying that I never worry. I do worry, but it doesn’t kind of overwhelm me anyway.
Susi Vine: Exactly which I think leads us into that pattern of anxiety. In many cases, there are always you know, unfortunately those situations where chemical imbalances can kind of set us up for being triggered and, and anxious.
But in so many situations, we do tend to adopt the habit or the pattern, and then. Can sweep us back
Nisreen Mama Foda: up. Yeah. And I find a lot of these things go hand in hand because yes, when they, you have those, as you just mentioned, chemical imbalances, you need to get. Chemical imbalance, bring it back to the balance by maybe eating the right stuff, or maybe having some vitamins mirror minerals that someone can tell you who’s more, you know, a nutritionist or someone else who is more well-versed in that.
So I find it’s such a collaborative work that they do their part. I do my part and together we achieve wonderful results.
Susi Vine: Truly, and I’m a big advocate. I love to encourage people to, to consider themselves the CEO of their own health. You know, when we have our traditional medical doctor and perhaps we find a naturopathic doctor that we resonate with, or someone who practice functional medicine, and we look for practitioners, perhaps acupuncture or chiropractic, and, and then we can, you know, look at Reiki or other energetic modalities to support us.
And then as we know ourselves better, we know where to begin. So we get the right support for the right issues. Yeah,
Nisreen Mama Foda: definitely. Yeah. Yeah. I just really feel that we all need to work in collaboration. Like say, if I if I broke my bones, I do need to go to the hospital and put my like, you know, whatever bone I broke, put it in a cost to help me feel better, you know, help it get better and work for.
But while I’m doing that, I can keep giving it Reiki to start the healing process, but, you know, at a faster rate so that if there was anything inhibiting it, that is dissipated and the healing happens in the way it should. So I don’t love. Right. So I mean, people don’t understand what blockages can happen and when energetic blockages can happen, an allopathic doctor can do all they can, but it won’t bring results because the patient is blocking energetically.
Susi Vine: And so this feels like a good time. For people who are unfamiliar with Reiki or energetic healing, how do you help people understand what is happening, what we’re facilitating, or even as you mentioned, these energy blockages that can be standing in our way from coming back into balance?
Nisreen Mama Foda: Well, first thing I’ll say is like what we were talking about earlier on, you know, before we went on to the podcast that We can tell people we are energy beings, right.
And some don’t even understand what that means. Right. What that means is like, say, if you just lay man’s we, what are we made up of atoms molecules? Correct. And when you break it down, what does each atom has? Electrons and protons and neutrons. Are they stationary? No way. We learned that in grade school that you have electrons, protons are all revolving around.
So when they are revolving around what they are having the negative positive charges that they are admitting, where do you think are those charges going? Right? So, yes, we may be a physical body, but we have energy to that. We are admitting and all that. Trillions and millions of atoms that we have, each one is emitting energy.
Right? So even if we take it in this layman’s view, you can say, yeah, there’s a lot of energy out there in our human body. Right. So that first explains the energetic body to a certain degree. Secondly, like we used to think only before with the Newtonian laws, you know, survival of the fittest. And just, you know, just try to explain things to the Newtonian laws.
Now we have started understanding the quantum laws, right. And with the quantum laws and quantum physics, a lot of this is explainable. If someone wants to understand things further as to how energy works and how the attention that we give to particular thing, how it can shift stuff. So I think the experiment is known as the observer effect.
Anybody can Google and read up and look on that, that explains it. And how does that happen? And with the energy, you are connected to things anywhere in the world, because between us, the space that we have you sitting in California may sitting in Ontario, it’s not an empty space. The atmosphere has got atoms molecules in them, and there is a fiend which we call the energy field.
And through that, we are able to connect to each other energetically, no matter where you are in the world. Right. So in that way, Reiki being an energy healing, it’s a ganas frequency of energy. You are able to transmit it to anyone in the world because everything is vibration and frequency. So that is how we can explain this energy, which we are admitting.
We are part of, and with that, we connect to the rest of the world. And when we say reconnect to the rest of the world, that is kind of explain them. That is why people give saying we are one, because we are all connected. Whether we like it or not, we are connected to every other person here or every other being here.
You can say. Living non-living you are still connected. You may have this desk that I have the chair that I’m sitting on. It’s a inanimate object, but it’s still has molecules and atoms in it. It’s still limiting some energy, but at a very low level. So everything is vibration. So I explain it in those terms.
And then I tend to explain that Just like we have the physical body in which our blood flow is going, you know, supplying blood to our organs so that it functions well. We have an energy body where the energy is flowing to all the various parts of our body to also give it ability to fund. Now when that is happening.
When we go through some setbacks, like maybe some traumatic experience, some negative stuff that we put on, like somebody hurts your feelings or something like that happens. You put negative blockages within that system. And visualize a water water hose that you use in your garden when you are watering your plants.
If pebbles get stuck in it, what happens? The water does flow, but it’s obstructive. It’s not flowing freely and easily. So the little pebbles are there. And as more pebbles get stuck, the energy, the water flow would become difficult. You know, get maybe trickled through now. Right. And when that happens, it affects the rest of the body in the same way.
If your energy flow, the negativity that you keep putting on are those pebbles. So what Reiki will do is we’ll go in. It’s like we can think of Reiki as that magical laser gun that goes in and zaps those pebbles. So when you stopped the pebbles, what happens is the pebbles disintegrate, and now your energy flow is harmonious again.
So what Reiki does is with its frequency, it’s just a zap, zap, soft, the stuff that is in the way it cuts through those. It gives you a body back, the ability to heal itself, which you are your bond with, but we keep taking that away, putting on stresses and anxiety, negativity, all of that, and depriving our body to heal itself.
So why not give our body that power back? That’s what Reiki does. Does that explain your question?
Susi Vine: Yes. Beautifully. I love that and I hope that. Even if there are still questions there that helps people understand the potential of it. And also I appreciate that you point out too, you know, that it Reiki lets the body come back into balance, heal itself.
We are extraordinary in our abilities. Our body’s ability to come back to health. If we’re not. If we don’t have these obstructions, energy blocks, other obstacles, like not having the adequate nutrition or quality sleep. I mean, there are a couple of requirements that our bodies have and then. Our body can heal itself, you know, with, with those tools, with this energy, right?
With this open unobstructed flow of energy. That helps too. I mean, it, it just is where we’re batteries in that regard. And and I heard you say, and I think that some people have this concept that our Reiki practitioner would be doing something to you and that. The case we are operating as an open channel, you know, allowing universal energy to do its work.
Nisreen Mama Foda: simply in conduit. Yes, you are not doing anything to you. As I said, you’re just zapping the pedals away. And basically what I I say is a. Once you are attuned to any level of Reiki, it’s basically what you are getting. I would say a chip put in you. So now that you are an antenna. So when you are an antenna, you are simply someone who can receive that Reiki, frequency and transmit it out because it is a frequency of energy, which is out there for everyone.
But if you’re not attuned to it, You are not able to tap into that frequency easily. You may tap into some fraction of it anyways, but not the whole of it. So if you want to tap into that healing frequency of Reiki, the attunement process is what allows you to become that. Like say if I want to do the central or a particular radio station on my rate, you don’t, I have to put the dial off, dial radio to that frequency.
So then now my radio can receive that frequency and transmit it outside. I can hear it. Reiki is similar in that. It’s just a frequency that I need to tap into so that I can receive and channel. Simple as that.
Susi Vine: Beautiful. I love that analogy. And you mentioned too, in terms of supporting. Your clients and ourselves in terms of stress Reiki is something that can be shared with another person.
Reiki practitioners share Reiki with other people, but as we study Reiki, we can perform Reiki on ourselves and receive that kind of healing and support and clear blockages. So is that something through your training and your support, your work with your students?
Nisreen Mama Foda: Definitely. Yeah, definitely. For myself even now, right?
We, we, when we find that most of us who are into this healing profession, we do it for others, but we, a lot of times tend to forget our own selves. We are so busy doing other, helping others. And then we think like, okay, I know the tools I can do it later. And that, you know, later never comes. So that similar thing happens.
Happened to me just recently I have a little, you know, on my toe, a little gout that is farming and my toe is, was hurting just before the holidays. And it was working fair bit. Every time going up and down the steps I could feel when going to bed at night, it would hurt more. And and every time I’d say I should do Reiki on it.
Actually I helped people. It should have, I would, should do Reiki on it, but I never did it eventually. I did. I did Reiki, maybe 10 minutes, two days only. And suddenly no pain did nothing else, no other treatment whatsoever. Normally I would do other, some something else also, but I just was neglectful. I didn’t do anything only this.
And after three days I realized, oh, it did pain yesterday. It’s not pain. My God, this thing works. I surprise myself
Susi Vine: and we do right. Even as long as I work with it, we get those lovely surprises. It’s so true. It is something that I forget to utilize myself. And now, as we’re in this new year, It’s one of the practices in the mornings.
I’ve had another guest on, I actually talked with Jana Danielson also in my summit recently, and that’s where she shared her morning practice of and rituals. She calls them because they enrich her day. And so these rituals, she considers like Lego blocks. And so you might not have the time for the full morning routine, but you can pick and choose what serves you.
And Frankie is one of those that. Put back on my list. I’ve brought back to front to bring into my daily practice because it is something that we can lose track of just as, as any other self-care practice can be. Right. And we start to take these.
Nisreen Mama Foda: Yeah. And you may not need the full blown thing. Like you don’t have to spend one hour doing it.
You could just take five, 10 minutes every day and it’s will do you wonder. Right. And it’s like, yeah, I’m bringing that back into myself. Cause I’m just, just doing it any time and I’m going like, no, just like after brushing my teeth, if I just spent five minutes more and do this, it’s going to be so great for me for the whole day through.
Right. So yeah. And again, this is self Reiki is something you teach in level one room. And of course, when you, when you do level two, it has a better impact. But yeah, I mean, that’s the, one of the first things you learn when you learn Reiki, how to give that energy boost or that, that energy frequency, that healing energy frequency for your own selves, like.
Face it, if your cup isn’t full, you can’t help others. Right? So if you want to help your family and friends, you need to make sure you are fine too, so that you can do that. Right. And with Reiki, I find like, yes, it’s going through you to another person, but just like the analogy of, if you have a cup of milk in your hand and you pour the milk out from your cup into another.
The rest of the milk still remains. And the first cup, similarly, when you’re giving Reiki to someone else, Reiki is going through you. So it is giving you positive results within your body as well while you’re helping someone else. Right? So it’s a win-win for both. Why wouldn’t you want to do it
Susi Vine: truly and share with us a little bit, let our audience know how they can learn more about what you have available with your mission to have a Reiki practitioner in every home, which I.
We see to be the case. We live into that
Nisreen Mama Foda: reality. It is a lofty dream, but nevertheless, I know I can get there, but I can’t get there alone of what I need is more Reiki practitioners or Reiki masters teachers who are doing the same. So with that in effect, yes, I am giving Reiki practitioner courses and my next one starts in March around March 14th.
So basically learn Reiki, help yourselves and help your families. And it’s not only just about getting health and wellness. It is also when you are giving yourself Reiki and you’re practicing Reiki, you do end up raising your own vibration. And when you raise your vibration, those who understand those kinds of things, when you raise your vibration just by your sheer presence.
New and changing librations for others who are around you and do our positive vibration, hits them. And it’s gradually starts changing that. So you end up changing, you know, the whole area around you to something better. So when you do that, and if there are more of us doing that, imagine what beautiful changes we can bring.
So that is a great motivation for me, but yes, it’s a lofty one, but for starters, I have to have Reiki practitioners and I have to have some practitioners who are ready to become. Master teachers who can then go and do exactly what I am doing and I help them through. I help them because I’ve done it.
I’ve done setting up. I’ve done all of that. And if they need tools to do that, I can help them through that. There are lots of Reiki, masters that I know. We are now because of me talking to them like this, I say, okay, I think I’m ready to teach, but I don’t know how to begin their master teachers, but they haven’t taught for so many years.
Right. How do I even start? I help them through, I can mentor them through to start and do the same part. Cause I need, I can’t reach everyone alone. Right. I need more of me to teach and do the same thing so we can all work together. Yeah, this is the beauty of.
Susi Vine: It truly is it truly is. And, and I got, got shivers when you were talking about it, because I just know that it’s true, that, you know, there’s a lot, we cannot influence or feel ineffective, you know, things that are beyond our control.
And when we focus on what is within our control, when we raise our own vibration, when we do what we can to be healthy and balanced, when we learn Reiki so that we can keep ourselves. And share our, keep our families healthy, that ripple effect, and then making that exponential with more Reiki master teachers out there in the world to keep that movement growing is a really powerful opportunity.
We need that right now.
Nisreen Mama Foda: Oh yes. And if anyone just wants to, you know, like chat about it, I’m happy to chat with anyone. They can go on my website. It’s holistic life for Canada. So and there, you will have places where you can book a time, like, you know, just click on the button will take you to a Calendly link and book a time where you can have a conversation with me.
So it’s a convenient time for both you and me since I put it up on the calendar. So we can do that and just chat a free consultation for about 30 minutes. So we can chat about what. Desire and what works for you. And what I offer is that something that we can work together on, or sometimes people just want to chat and get to know a little bit more about it.
I’m open to that as well. So whatever works. I’m just ready to spread the message.
Susi Vine: And I’m grateful for the work that you do. Definitely is there as there. Anything else as we come to a close that you want to leave with our listeners or lead into the new year.
Nisreen Mama Foda: I dunno. I just would say like, keep yourselves up into a positive vibration.
Feel good about who you are. You are here on this earth for a reason. Nobody’s come here for no reason. So there is a big, massive reason why you are here. Don’t underestimate that and hold your self up high. You are needed. That’s all I can say.
Susi Vine: That’s powerful. That’s a powerful way to wrap things up for today.
Thank you so much. These are very true words and I love the heart and the mission in your work and your vision. And I am with you happy to support this vision of having empowered healers and every home.
Nisreen Mama Foda: Thank you so Zia and so glad that you approached me. Got the you know, opportunity to bring my message forward.
Thank you so much for that. You’re so
Susi Vine: very welcome. Take good care. I’ll see you soon.
Nisreen Mama Foda: See you take care. Bye.