Tessa Hayman is the co-founder of Prosperity Coaches, specializing in helping healthcare professionals recover from anxiety and burnout. We explore the specific issues around burnout affecting nurses, doctors, paramedics and other care giving professions.
After recovering from anxiety and burnout arising from her studies and work in the nursing profession, Tessa Hayman has devoted herself to addressing issues of balance and prosperity in other caregivers, so that they can continue doing the work they love with resilience.
In this episode we discuss:
- How the level of burnout in the medical field can be at 200% (that’s not a typo!),
- Whether burnout requires a change in career,
- The myth of Life-Work Balance,
- Why burnout starts affecting nurses and doctors even before graduation,
- The value of exploring different tools to develop your own self care system.
You can take the Prosperity Quotient quiz and Burnout quiz at www.keysofprosperity.com.