Seeking  a solution to stress + overwhelm?

Feel more grounded + recover your natural resilience  by taking control of stress!

It's time to push the Reset button!

Just because life is stressful doesn't mean you have to give up

your happiness + vitality

Do you

  • Feel like your emotions control your reactions?
  • Wish it was easier to commit to better health habits? 
  • Feel frustrated by all the health “authorities” and their tips that don’t work for you?

It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the demands of daily life...

Juggling work, family and friends can feel like a superhuman feat, and then we need to manage a healthy lifestyle in order to feel a fraction of the energy and resilience that used to come easily when we were younger? 

No wonder it can feel like optimal health is a struggle.

If you've tried to find the best information of healthy eating and the best type of exercise, you've discovered that just sifting through opposing headlines and memes takes more time that you have to give... and then you have to figure out what works best for you?  

Now there is help.

And a community of people who share your mission + vision.

Reset Stress for Success

Enjoy more clarity + simplicity in your goals

Be empowered to take control of your health 

Live the active + happy life you desire

Together, we will explore how you have the power to choose your mood.

With some simple tools and mindset shifts, you can learn to pause and choose your reaction in stressful situations.  We'll crack the code on building new healthier habits that increase your resilience and vitality.

And you'll discover how you can free yourself from overwhelm + reclaim lost time.

Special offer! For this invitation-only, first-run of this new program, you can participate for free!

In the future this program will cost $297

Join us, and imagine how you’ll feel with the power to live without limits on your energy + resilience.

We'll begin the program September 3 and meet weekly for a live session

(recordings will be available)

Restore Balance

Assess + restore balance in your life, and strengthen your foundations of health

Chart a New Course

Hack the process of building better habits by mastering motivation for change

Choose your Mood

Learn to uplevel your Emotions and amp up your ability to wire your brain for Happiness

Discover Self Care

Create healthier boundaries to protect your health and sanity in this ‘always on’ era

Let me support you as you lay the foundation for lasting resilience...

"Susi is one of the most kind & caring individuals I’ve met. She provides a comfortable and trusting space where I truly felt heard regarding what my challenges were. I highly recommend Susi to anyone looking for personal growth & needing support to alleviate stress." - Carla (client)

Here is what we'll cover over 4 weeks

We'll start honing the tools you need to shift your perspective on stress


Module 1: Power of Mindset

We'll begin addressing the foundations of health, balance and resilience that will continue over the course of the 4 week program, and then dig into the power of cultivating a mindset of awareness and positive reaction in stressful situations.  

We'll take a look at how you can uplevel your emotions and begin training your brain to seek out and enjoy more feelings of happiness. We'll also explore how you can master the motivation for change and make it easier to build on healthier habits.


Module 2: Power of Celebration

Now we'll take a look at where stress is sneaking into your life and adding up to affect your resilience - the sources may surprise you! 

And then we'll be taking a close look at why you should reward yourself more often in order to be more productive and reach your ultimate goals more easily - talk about a win-win! We'll aslo look at how different mental models can color our perspective of events and how we can brighten our perception for more ease + flow.


Module 3: Power of Self Care

Now we've got some momentum behind our ongoing practices of balance and fortifying the foundations of health, and we'll reinforce our progress by exploring what healthy boundaries look like and why they're so important.  Self care will also take center stage, as we look at how tuning into our needs and turning up the volume on self love is not only far from being selfish, it actually raises your capacity for caring for others and eases progress toward reaching your goals.


Module 4: Power of Productivity

Bringing all of our lessons together, we'll take a look at how the foundations of health support balance in our lives, and how turning down the volume on stress has raised our capacity to rise to meet any demand. 

We'll also look at one of the most common complaints of stress: not enough time. By optimizing our focus with some tools and (counterintuitive) practices, we can maximize efficiency and do more with the time we have at work - and at play!


But wait, there's more!

4 sessions isn't enough time to cover everything I'd love to share with you to hit the reset button on stress,

but this program is not here to overwhelm you!  

So you will also have access to more content that you can enjoy during the program or afterward,

since you will keep access to the program as long as I am running it 

(I'd say "forever", but you never know.  Let's just say "as long as you wish to look back on it")

 So here's a look at the bonus material you'll find inside:

Bonus 1
Recorded Meditations

Created to align with each week's content, you'll have access to recorded meditations you can use in your centering practice, to deepen your reflection and experience of the different topics we'll cover.

Bonus 2
Emotional Resilience

You'll get access to tools that help you tune into your emotions, learn how you can choose your mood, use natural remedies for emotional balance, and understand how "clearing the channels" works both up and down-stream to facilitate flow

Bonus 3
Environmental Upgrade

We spend 90% of our time indoors.  Learn how to detox your home and improve your indoor air quality!  You'll also get access to resources and guides to keep your home healthier + more restful. Create your own healing sanctuary!

About Susi Vine,

your Stress Resolution Coach

3x Less Stress helps simplify healthy living by sharing tools to help everyone transform their relationship with stress.
Susi’s mission is to empower people to live healthier lives by sharing tools and resources that uncomplicate the effort to live a healthy lifestyle.   By becoming aware of the impact of small choices that add up to big results, we can enjoy optimal resilience & vitality!

Don't miss out! This will be the only time I offer this program for free! 

Next time it's available this program will cost $297

3x Less Stress by Vine Therapy

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